Ранее я уже писал о том, как настраивать IceWM. Теперь пришло время поделиться своими настройками.
Скопируйте опубликованное здесь содержимое в "~/.icewm/preferences" вместо имеющегося там. Текст верен для версии 1.3.7, но портируем и для других версий - в случае несоответствия синтаксиса настройки будут взяты из глобального файла конфигурации, поэтому вероятность что-то сломать равна 0%.
# preferences for IceWM - edit by Vlsu (vlsu.blogspot.com) # Focus windows by clicking # ClickToFocus=1 # 0/1 # Focus windows when application requests to raise # FocusOnAppRaise=0 # 0/1 # Request focus (flashing in taskbar) when application requests raise # RequestFocusOnAppRaise=1 # 0/1 # Raise windows when focused # RaiseOnFocus=1 # 0/1 # Focus window when client area clicked # FocusOnClickClient=1 # 0/1 # Raise window when client area clicked # RaiseOnClickClient=1 # 0/1 # Raise window when title bar is clicked # RaiseOnClickTitleBar=1 # 0/1 # Raise window when frame button is clicked # RaiseOnClickButton=1 # 0/1 # Raise window when frame border is clicked # RaiseOnClickFrame=1 # 0/1 # Lower the active window when clicked again # LowerOnClickWhenRaised=0 # 0/1 # Pass focusing click on client area to client # PassFirstClickToClient=1 # 0/1 # Change to the workspace of newly focused windows # FocusChangesWorkspace=0 # 0/1 # Focus normal window when initially mapped # FocusOnMap=1 # 0/1 # Focus dialog window when initially mapped # FocusOnMapTransient=0 # 0/1 # Focus dialog window when initially mapped only if parent frame focused # FocusOnMapTransientActive=1 # 0/1 # Put new windows on top even if not focusing them # MapInactiveOnTop=1 # 0/1 # Colormap focus follows pointer # PointerColormap=1 # 0/1 # Don't rotate the cursor for popup menus # DontRotateMenuPointer=1 # 0/1 # Limit size of windows to screen # LimitSize=1 # 0/1 # Limit position of windows to screen # LimitPosition=1 # 0/1 # Let the Dock layer limit the workspace (incompatible with GNOME Panel) # LimitByDockLayer=0 # 0/1 # Consider border frames when maximizing horizontally # ConsiderHBorder=0 # 0/1 # Consider border frames when maximizing vertically # ConsiderVBorder=0 # 0/1 # Center maximized windows which can't fit the screen (like terminals) # CenterMaximizedWindows=0 # 0/1 # Maximized windows can be resized # SizeMaximized=0 # 0/1 # Show position status window during move/resize # ShowMoveSizeStatus=1 # 0/1 # Show name of current workspace while switching # ShowWorkspaceStatus=1 # 0/1 # Display mini-icons on desktop for minimized windows # MinimizeToDesktop=0 # 0/1 # Place the mini-icons horizontal instead of vertical # MiniIconsPlaceHorizontal=0 # 0/1 # Place new mini-icons from right to left # MiniIconsRightToLeft=0 # 0/1 # Place new mini-icons from bottom to top # MiniIconsBottomToTop=0 # 0/1 # Always maintain focus under mouse window (makes some keyboard support non-functional or unreliable # StrongPointerFocus=0 # 0/1 # Opaque window move OpaqueMove=0 # 0/1 # Opaque window resize OpaqueResize=0 # 0/1 # Windows initially placed manually by user # ManualPlacement=0 # 0/1 # Smart window placement (minimal overlap) # SmartPlacement=1 # 0/1 # Hide title bar when maximized # HideTitleBarWhenMaximized=0 # 0/1 # Center large windows # CenterLarge=0 # 0/1 # Center dialogs on owner window # CenterTransientsOnOwner=1 # 0/1 # Menus track mouse even with no mouse buttons held MenuMouseTracking=1 # 0/1 # Auto raise windows after delay # AutoRaise=0 # 0/1 # Delay pointer focusing when mouse moves # DelayPointerFocus=1 # 0/1 # Support win95 keyboard keys (Penguin/Meta/Win_L,R shows menu) # Win95Keys=1 # 0/1 # Treat Super/Win modifier as Ctrl+Alt # ModSuperIsCtrlAlt=1 # 0/1 # Support mouse wheel UseMouseWheel=1 # 0/1 # Show popup menus above mouse pointer # ShowPopupsAbovePointer=0 # 0/1 # Send the clicks outside menus to target window # ReplayMenuCancelClick=0 # 0/1 # Alt+Tab window switching # QuickSwitch=1 # 0/1 # Alt+Tab to minimized windows # QuickSwitchToMinimized=1 # 0/1 # Alt+Tab to hidden windows # QuickSwitchToHidden=1 # 0/1 # Alt+Tab to windows on other workspaces # QuickSwitchToAllWorkspaces=0 # 0/1 # Alt+Tab: group windows on current workspace # QuickSwitchGroupWorkspaces=1 # 0/1 # Show all reachable icons when quick switching # QuickSwitchAllIcons=1 # 0/1 # Show the window title above (all reachable) icons # QuickSwitchTextFirst=0 # 0/1 # Attempt to create a small QuickSwitch window (1/3 instead of 3/5 of screen width) # QuickSwitchSmallWindow=0 # 0/1 # Go trough all window titles and choose width of the longest one # QuickSwitchMaxWidth=0 # 0/1 # Place the icons and titles vertical instead of horizontal # QuickSwitchVertical=1 # 0/1 # Show the huge (48x48) of the window icon for the active window # QuickSwitchHugeIcon=0 # 0/1 # Fill the rectangle highlighting the current icon # QuickSwitchFillSelection=0 # 0/1 # Manage root window (EXPERIMENTAL - normally enabled!) # GrabRootWindow=1 # 0/1 # Snap to nearest screen edge/window when moving windows # SnapMove=1 # 0/1 # Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge # EdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1 # Workspace switches by moving mouse to left/right screen edge # HorizontalEdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1 # Workspace switches by moving mouse to top/bottom screen edge # VerticalEdgeSwitch=0 # 0/1 # Workspace switches continuously when moving mouse to screen edge # ContinuousEdgeSwitch=1 # 0/1 # Reload menu files automatically # AutoReloadMenus=1 # 0/1 # Show task bar # ShowTaskBar=1 # 0/1 # Task bar at top of the screen # TaskBarAtTop=0 # 0/1 # Keep the task bar below regular windows # TaskBarKeepBelow=0 # 0/1 # Auto hide task bar after delay # TaskBarAutoHide=0 # 0/1 # Auto show task bar when fullscreen window active # TaskBarFullscreenAutoShow=1 # 0/1 # Show clock on task bar # TaskBarShowClock=1 # 0/1 # Show APM/ACPI/Battery/Power status monitor on task bar TaskBarShowAPMStatus=1 # 0/1 # Show APM status on task bar in time-format # TaskBarShowAPMTime=1 # 0/1 # Show APM status in graph mode # TaskBarShowAPMGraph=1 # 0/1 # Show mailbox status on task bar # TaskBarShowMailboxStatus=1 # 0/1 # Beep when new mail arrives # TaskBarMailboxStatusBeepOnNewMail=0 # 0/1 # Count messages in mailbox # TaskBarMailboxStatusCountMessages=0 # 0/1 # Show workspace switching buttons on task bar # TaskBarShowWorkspaces=1 # 0/1 # Show windows on the taskbar # TaskBarShowWindows=1 # 0/1 # Show 'show desktop' button on taskbar # TaskBarShowShowDesktopButton=1 # 0/1 # Show Ellipsis in taskbar items # ShowEllipsis=1 # 0/1 # Show windows in the tray # TaskBarShowTray=1 # 0/1 # Show windows from all workspaces on tray # TrayShowAllWindows=1 # 0/1 # Show transient (dialogs, ...) windows on task bar # TaskBarShowTransientWindows=1 # 0/1 # Show windows from all workspaces on task bar # TaskBarShowAllWindows=0 # 0/1 # Show icons of windows on the task bar # TaskBarShowWindowIcons=1 # 0/1 # Show 'Start' menu on task bar # TaskBarShowStartMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show 'window list' menu on task bar # TaskBarShowWindowListMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show CPU status on task bar (Linux & Solaris) # TaskBarShowCPUStatus=1 # 0/1 # Show RAM usage in CPU status tool tip # CPUStatusShowRamUsage=1 # 0/1 # Show swap usage in CPU status tool tip # CPUStatusShowSwapUsage=1 # 0/1 # Show ACPI temperature in CPU status tool tip # CPUStatusShowAcpiTemp=1 # 0/1 # Show CPU frequency in CPU status tool tip # CPUStatusShowCpuFreq=1 # 0/1 # Show network status on task bar (Linux only) # TaskBarShowNetStatus=1 # 0/1 # Show a button to collapse the taskbar TaskBarShowCollapseButton=1 # 0/1 # Use double-height task bar # TaskBarDoubleHeight=0 # 0/1 # Place workspace pager on left, not right # TaskBarWorkspacesLeft=1 # 0/1 # Show a mini desktop preview on each workspace button # PagerShowPreview=0 # 0/1 # Draw window icons inside large enough preview windows on pager (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowWindowIcons=1 # 0/1 # Draw even minimized windows as unfilled rectangles (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowMinimized=1 # 0/1 # Draw border around workspace buttons (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowBorders=1 # 0/1 # Show number of workspace on workspace button (if PagerShowPreview=1) # PagerShowNumbers=1 # 0/1 # Execute taskbar applet commands (like MailCommand, ClockCommand, ...) on single click # TaskBarLaunchOnSingleClick=1 # 0/1 # Allow mouse actions on client windows (buggy with some programs) # ClientWindowMouseActions=1 # 0/1 # Show programs submenu # ShowProgramsMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show settings submenu # ShowSettingsMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show focus mode submenu # ShowFocusModeMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show themes submenu # ShowThemesMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show logout submenu # ShowLogoutMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show the help menu item # ShowHelp=1 # 0/1 # Show logout submenu # ShowLogoutSubMenu=1 # 0/1 # Show the about menu item # ShowAbout=1 # 0/1 # Show the run menu item # ShowRun=1 # 0/1 # Show the window menu item # ShowWindowList=1 # 0/1 # Allow to switch a window to fullscreen # AllowFullscreen=1 # 0/1 # Enable address bar functionality in taskbar # EnableAddressBar=1 # 0/1 # Show address bar in task bar # ShowAddressBar=1 # 0/1 # Overrides automatic multiple byte detection # MultiByte=1 # 0/1 # Confirm logout # ConfirmLogout=1 # 0/1 # Don't cut client windows by shapes set trough frame corner pixmap # ShapesProtectClientWindow=1 # 0/1 # Use double buffering when redrawing the display # DoubleBuffer=1 # 0/1 # Disable use of new XRANDR API for dual head (nvidia workaround) # XRRDisable=0 # 0/1 # Pointer motion distance before click gets interpreted as drag # ClickMotionDistance=4 # [0-32] # Delay before click gets interpreted as drag # ClickMotionDelay=200 # [0-2000] # Multiple click time # MultiClickTime=400 # [0-5000] # Delay before activating menu items # MenuActivateDelay=40 # [0-5000] # Delay before activating menu submenus # SubmenuMenuActivateDelay=300 # [0-5000] # Maximal width of popup menus, 2/3 of the screen's width if set to zero # MenuMaximalWidth=0 # [0-16384] # Delay before tooltip window is displayed # ToolTipDelay=1000 # [0-5000] # Time before tooltip window is hidden (0 means never # ToolTipTime=0 # [0-60000] # Delay before task bar is hidden # AutoHideDelay=300 # [0-5000] # Delay before task bar is shown # AutoShowDelay=500 # [0-5000] # Delay before windows are auto raised # AutoRaiseDelay=400 # [0-5000] # Resistance in pixels when trying to move windows off the screen (10000 = infinite) # EdgeResistance=32 # [0-10000] # Delay for pointer focus switching # PointerFocusDelay=200 # [0-1000] # Distance in pixels before windows snap together # SnapDistance=8 # [0-64] # Screen edge workspace switching delay # EdgeSwitchDelay=600 # [0-5000] # Inital scroll bar autoscroll delay # ScrollBarStartDelay=500 # [0-5000] # Scroll bar autoscroll delay # ScrollBarDelay=30 # [0-5000] # Auto scroll start delay # AutoScrollStartDelay=500 # [0-5000] # Auto scroll delay # AutoScrollDelay=60 # [0-5000] # Time before workspace status window is hidden # WorkspaceStatusTime=2500 # [0-2500] # Bitmask of root window button click to use in window manager # UseRootButtons=255 # [0-255] # Bitmask of buttons that raise the window when pressed # ButtonRaiseMask=1 # [0-255] # Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list menu # DesktopWinMenuButton=0 # [0-20] # Desktop mouse-button click to show the window list # DesktopWinListButton=2 # [0-20] # Desktop mouse-button click to show the root menu # DesktopMenuButton=3 # [0-20] # TitleBar mouse-button double click to maximize the window # TitleBarMaximizeButton=1 # [0-5] # TitleBar mouse-button double click to rollup the window # TitleBarRollupButton=2 # [0-5] # Preselect to Cancel (0) or the OK (1) button in message boxes # MsgBoxDefaultAction=0 # [0-1] # Delay between new-mail checks. (seconds) # MailCheckDelay=30 # [0-86400] # Width of CPU Monitor # TaskBarCPUSamples=20 # [2-1000] # Delay between CPU Monitor samples in ms # TaskBarCPUDelay=500 # [10-3600000] # Width of Net Monitor # TaskBarNetSamples=20 # [2-1000] # Delay between Net Monitor samples in ms # TaskBarNetDelay=500 # [10-3600000] # default number of tasks in taskbar # TaskbarButtonWidthDivisor=3 # [1-25] # Width of APM Monitor # TaskBarApmGraphWidth=10 # [1-1000] # Primary screen for xinerama (taskbar, ...) # XineramaPrimaryScreen=0 # [0-63] # Number of seconds the taskbar app will blink when requesting focus (0 = forever) # FocusRequestFlashTime=0 # [0-86400] # Taskbar blink interval (ms) when requesting focus (0 = blinking disabled) # FocusRequestFlashInterval=250 # [0-30000] # Minimal number of themes after which the Themes menu becomes nested (0=disabled) # NestedThemeMenuMinNumber=15 # [0-1234] # Delay between power status updates (seconds) # BatteryPollingPeriod=10 # [2-3600] # Icon search path (colon separated) # IconPath="/usr/share/icons:/usr/share/pixmaps" # Mailbox path (use $MAIL instead) # MailBoxPath="" # Command to run on mailbox # MailCommand="x-terminal-emulator -name mutt -title Mutt -e mutt" # WM_CLASS to allow runonce for MailCommand # MailClassHint="mutt.XTerm" # Command to run when new mail arrives # NewMailCommand="" # Command to lock display/screensaver # LockCommand="xlock -remote -mode blank" # Command to run on clock # ClockCommand="xclock -name icewm -title Clock" # WM_CLASS to allow runonce for ClockCommand # ClockClassHint="icewm.XClock" # Command to select and run a program RunCommand="gmrun" # OpenCommand="thunar" # Terminal emulator must accept -e option. # TerminalCommand="x-terminal-emulator" # Command to start logout # LogoutCommand="" # Command to cancel logout # LogoutCancelCommand="" # Command to shutdown the system ShutdownCommand="gksu halt" # Command to reboot the system RebootCommand="gksu reboot" # Command to run on CPU status # CPUStatusCommand="x-terminal-emulator -name top -title Process\ Status -e top" # WM_CLASS to allow runonce for CPUStatusCommand # CPUStatusClassHint="top.XTerm" # Command to run on Net status # NetStatusCommand="x-terminal-emulator -name netstat -title 'Network Status' -e netstat -c" # WM_CLASS to allow runonce for NetStatusCommand # NetStatusClassHint="netstat.XTerm" # Command to run for address bar entries # AddressBarCommand="" # Network device to show status for # NetworkStatusDevice="ppp0 eth0" # Clock Time format (strftime format string) # TimeFormat="%X" # Alternate Clock Time format (e.g. for blinking effects) # TimeFormatAlt="" # Clock Date format for tooltip (strftime format string) # DateFormat="%c" # screen/output name of the primary screen # XRRPrimaryScreenName="" # List of battery names (directories) in /proc/acpi/battery to ignore. Useful when more slots are built-in, but only one battery is used # AcpiIgnoreBatteries="" # Mouse binding for window move # MouseWinMove="Alt+Pointer_Button1" # Mouse binding for window resize # MouseWinSize="Alt+Pointer_Button3" # Mouse binding to raise window # MouseWinRaise="Ctrl+Alt+Pointer_Button1" # # KeyWinRaise="Alt+F1" # # KeyWinOccupyAll="Alt+F2" # # KeyWinLower="Alt+F3" # # KeyWinClose="Alt+F4" # # KeyWinRestore="Alt+F5" # # KeyWinPrev="Alt+Shift+F6" # # KeyWinNext="Alt+F6" # # KeyWinMove="Alt+F7" # # KeyWinSize="Alt+F8" # # KeyWinMinimize="Alt+F9" # # KeyWinMaximize="Alt+F10" # # KeyWinMaximizeVert="Alt+Shift+F10" # # KeyWinMaximizeHoriz="" # # KeyWinFullscreen="Alt+F11" # # KeyWinHide="Alt+Shift+F12" # # KeyWinRollup="Alt+F12" # # KeyWinMenu="Alt+Space" # # KeyWinArrangeN="Ctrl+Alt+KP_8" # # KeyWinArrangeNE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_9" # # KeyWinArrangeE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_6" # # KeyWinArrangeSE="Ctrl+Alt+KP_3" # # KeyWinArrangeS="Ctrl+Alt+KP_2" # # KeyWinArrangeSW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_1" # # KeyWinArrangeW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_4" # # KeyWinArrangeNW="Ctrl+Alt+KP_7" # # KeyWinArrangeC="Ctrl+Alt+KP_5" # # KeySysSwitchNext="Alt+Tab" # # KeySysSwitchLast="Alt+Shift+Tab" # # KeySysWinNext="Alt+Esc" # # KeySysWinPrev="Alt+Shift+Esc" # # KeySysWinMenu="Shift+Esc" # # KeySysDialog="Alt+Ctrl+Del" # # KeySysMenu="Ctrl+Esc" # # KeySysWindowList="Alt+Ctrl+Esc" # # KeySysWinListMenu="" # # KeySysAddressBar="Alt+Ctrl+Space" # # KeySysWorkspacePrev="Alt+Ctrl+Left" # # KeySysWorkspaceNext="Alt+Ctrl+Right" # # KeySysWorkspaceLast="Alt+Ctrl+Down" # # KeySysWorkspacePrevTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Left" # # KeySysWorkspaceNextTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Right" # # KeySysWorkspaceLastTakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+Down" # # KeySysWorkspace1="Alt+Ctrl+1" # # KeySysWorkspace2="Alt+Ctrl+2" # # KeySysWorkspace3="Alt+Ctrl+3" # # KeySysWorkspace4="Alt+Ctrl+4" # # KeySysWorkspace5="Alt+Ctrl+5" # # KeySysWorkspace6="Alt+Ctrl+6" # # KeySysWorkspace7="Alt+Ctrl+7" # # KeySysWorkspace8="Alt+Ctrl+8" # # KeySysWorkspace9="Alt+Ctrl+9" # # KeySysWorkspace10="Alt+Ctrl+0" # # KeySysWorkspace11="Alt+Ctrl+bracketleft" # # KeySysWorkspace12="Alt+Ctrl+bracketright" # # KeySysWorkspace1TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+1" # # KeySysWorkspace2TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+2" # # KeySysWorkspace3TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+3" # # KeySysWorkspace4TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+4" # # KeySysWorkspace5TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+5" # # KeySysWorkspace6TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+6" # # KeySysWorkspace7TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+7" # # KeySysWorkspace8TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+8" # # KeySysWorkspace9TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+9" # # KeySysWorkspace10TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+0" # # KeySysWorkspace11TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+bracketleft" # # KeySysWorkspace12TakeWin="Alt+Ctrl+Shift+bracketright" # # KeySysTileVertical="Alt+Shift+F2" # # KeySysTileHorizontal="Alt+Shift+F3" # # KeySysCascade="Alt+Shift+F4" # # KeySysArrange="Alt+Shift+F5" # # KeySysArrangeIcons="Alt+Shift+F8" # # KeySysMinimizeAll="Alt+Shift+F9" # # KeySysHideAll="Alt+Shift+F11" # # KeySysUndoArrange="Alt+Shift+F7" # # KeySysShowDesktop="Alt+Ctrl+d" # # KeySysCollapseTaskBar="Alt+Ctrl+h" # # Items supported in menu window (rmsnxfhualytickw) WinMenuItems="rmsnxfhualytickw" # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Themable preferences. Themes will override these. # To override the themes, place them in ~/.icewm/prefoverride # ----------------------------------------------------------- # Does it support the 'O' title bar button images (for mouse rollover) # RolloverButtonsSupported=0 # 0/1 # Task bar clock/APM uses nice pixmapped LCD display (but then it doesn't display correctly in many languages anymore, e.g. for Japanese and Korean it works only when a real font is used and not the LEDs # TaskBarClockLeds=0 # 0/1 # Surround the tray with plastic border # TrayDrawBevel=0 # 0/1 # Draw window title centered (obsoleted by TitleBarJustify) # TitleBarCentered=0 # 0/1 # Join title*S and title*T # TitleBarJoinLeft=0 # 0/1 # Join title*T and title*B # TitleBarJoinRight=0 # 0/1 # Show application icon over menu button # ShowMenuButtonIcon=1 # 0/1 # Horizontal window border # BorderSizeX=6 # [0-128] # Vertical window border # BorderSizeY=6 # [0-128] # Horizontal dialog window border # DlgBorderSizeX=2 # [0-128] # Vertical dialog window border # DlgBorderSizeY=2 # [0-128] # Resize corner width # CornerSizeX=24 # [0-64] # Resize corner height # CornerSizeY=24 # [0-64] # Title bar height # TitleBarHeight=20 # [0-128] # Justification of the window title # TitleBarJustify=0 # [0-100] # Horizontal offset for the window title text # TitleBarHorzOffset=0 # [-128-128] # Vertical offset for the window title text # TitleBarVertOffset=0 # [-128-128] # Scrollbar width # ScrollBarX=16 # [0-64] # Scrollbar (button) height # ScrollBarY=16 # [0-64] # Menu icon size # MenuIconSize=16 # [8-128] # Dimension of the small icons # SmallIconSize=16 # [8-128] # Dimension of the large icons # LargeIconSize=32 # [8-128] # Dimension of the large icons # HugeIconSize=48 # [8-128] # Horizontal margin of the quickswitch window # QuickSwitchHorzMargin=3 # [0-64] # Vertical margin of the quickswitch window # QuickSwitchVertMargin=3 # [0-64] # Vertical margin in the quickswitch window # QuickSwitchIconMargin=4 # [0-64] # Distance between the active icon and it's border # QuickSwitchIconBorder=2 # [0-64] # Height of the separator between (all reachable) icons and text, 0 to avoid it # QuickSwitchSeparatorSize=6 # [0-64] # Theme author, e-mail address, credits # ThemeAuthor="" # Description of the theme, credits # ThemeDescription="" # Titlebar buttons from left to right (x=close, m=max, i=min, h=hide, r=rollup, s=sysmenu, d=depth) # TitleButtonsLeft="s" # Titlebar buttons from right to left (x=close, m=max, i=min, h=hide, r=rollup, s=sysmenu, d=depth) # TitleButtonsRight="xmir" # Titlebar buttons supported by theme (x,m,i,r,h,s,d) # TitleButtonsSupported="xmis" # # TitleFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # TitleFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # MenuFontName="-*-sans-bold-r-*-*-*-100-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # MenuFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=10:bold" # # StatusFontName="-*-monospace-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # StatusFontNameXft="monospace,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12:bold" # # QuickSwitchFontName="-*-monospace-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # QuickSwitchFontNameXft="monospace,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12:bold" # # NormalButtonFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # NormalButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # ActiveButtonFontName="-*-sans-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # ActiveButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12:bold" # # NormalTaskBarFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # NormalTaskBarFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # ActiveTaskBarFontName="-*-sans-bold-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # ActiveTaskBarFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12:bold" # fallback: NormalButtonFontName # ToolButtonFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # fallback: NormalButtonFontName # ToolButtonFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # fallback: NormalButtonFontName # NormalWorkspaceFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # fallback: NormalButtonFontName # NormalWorkspaceFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # fallback: ActiveButtonFontName # ActiveWorkspaceFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # fallback: ActiveButtonFontName # ActiveWorkspaceFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # MinimizedWindowFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # MinimizedWindowFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # ListBoxFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # ListBoxFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # ToolTipFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-120-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # ToolTipFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # # ClockFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # ClockFontNameXft="monospace,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12" # # ApmFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # ApmFontNameXft="monospace,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12" # # InputFontName="-*-monospace-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # InputFontNameXft="monospace,Bitstream Vera Sans Mono:size=12" # # LabelFontName="-*-sans-medium-r-*-*-*-140-*-*-*-*-*-*" # # LabelFontNameXft="sans-serif,Bitstream Vera Serif:size=12" # Background of dialog windows # ColorDialog="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Border of inactive windows # ColorNormalBorder="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Border of active windows # ColorActiveBorder="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Background of regular buttons # ColorNormalButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor of regular buttons # ColorNormalButtonText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of pressed buttons # ColorActiveButton="rgb:E0/E0/E0" # Textcolor of pressed buttons # ColorActiveButtonText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of titlebar buttons # ColorNormalTitleButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor of titlebar buttons # ColorNormalTitleButtonText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of toolbar buttons, ColorNormalButton is used if empty # ColorToolButton="" # Textcolor of toolbar buttons, ColorNormalButtonText is used if empty # ColorToolButtonText="" # Background of workspace buttons, ColorNormalButton is used if empty # ColorNormalWorkspaceButton="" # Textcolor of workspace buttons, ColorNormalButtonText is used if empty # ColorNormalWorkspaceButtonText="" # Background of the active workspace button, ColorActiveButton is used if empty # ColorActiveWorkspaceButton="" # Textcolor of the active workspace button, ColorActiveButtonText is used if empty # ColorActiveWorkspaceButtonText="" # Background of the titlebar of regular windows # ColorNormalTitleBar="rgb:80/80/80" # Textcolor of the titlebar of regular windows # ColorNormalTitleBarText="rgb:00/00/00" # Textshadow of the titlebar of regular windows # ColorNormalTitleBarShadow="" # Background of the titlebar of active windows # ColorActiveTitleBar="rgb:00/00/A0" # Textcolor of the titlebar of active windows # ColorActiveTitleBarText="rgb:FF/FF/FF" # Textshadow of the titlebar of active windows # ColorActiveTitleBarShadow="" # Background for mini icons of regular windows # ColorNormalMinimizedWindow="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor for mini icons of regular windows # ColorNormalMinimizedWindowText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background for mini icons of active windows # ColorActiveMinimizedWindow="rgb:E0/E0/E0" # Textcolor for mini icons of active windows # ColorActiveMinimizedWindowText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of pop-up menus # ColorNormalMenu="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor of regular menu items # ColorNormalMenuItemText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of selected menu item, leave empty to force transparency # ColorActiveMenuItem="rgb:A0/A0/A0" # Textcolor of selected menu items # ColorActiveMenuItemText="rgb:00/00/00" # Textcolor of disabled menu items # ColorDisabledMenuItemText="rgb:80/80/80" # Shadow of regular menu items # ColorDisabledMenuItemShadow="" # Background of move/resize status window # ColorMoveSizeStatus="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor of move/resize status window # ColorMoveSizeStatusText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of the quick switch window # ColorQuickSwitch="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor in the quick switch window # ColorQuickSwitchText="rgb:00/00/00" # Rectangle arround the active icon in the quick switch window # ColorQuickSwitchActive="" # Background of the taskbar # ColorDefaultTaskBar="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Background for task buttons of regular windows # ColorNormalTaskBarApp="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor for task buttons of regular windows # ColorNormalTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background for task buttons of the active window # ColorActiveTaskBarApp="rgb:E0/E0/E0" # Textcolor for task buttons of the active window # ColorActiveTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background for task buttons of minimized windows # ColorMinimizedTaskBarApp="rgb:A0/A0/A0" # Textcolor for task buttons of minimized windows # ColorMinimizedTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background for task buttons of windows on other workspaces # ColorInvisibleTaskBarApp="rgb:80/80/80" # Textcolor for task buttons of windows on other workspaces # ColorInvisibleTaskBarAppText="rgb:00/00/00" # Scrollbar background (sliding area) # ColorScrollBar="rgb:A0/A0/A0" # Background of the slider button in scrollbars # ColorScrollBarSlider="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars # ColorScrollBarButton="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Background of the arrow buttons in scrollbars (obsolete) # ColorScrollBarArrow="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Color of active arrows on scrollbar buttons # ColorScrollBarButtonArrow="rgb:00/00/00" # Color of inactive arrows on scrollbar buttons # ColorScrollBarInactiveArrow="rgb:80/80/80" # Background of listboxes # ColorListBox="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor in listboxes # ColorListBoxText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of selected listbox items # ColorListBoxSelection="rgb:80/80/80" # Textcolor of selected listbox items # ColorListBoxSelectionText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of tooltips # ColorToolTip="rgb:E0/E0/00" # Textcolor of tooltips # ColorToolTipText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of labels, leave empty to force transparency # ColorLabel="rgb:C0/C0/C0" # Textcolor of labels # ColorLabelText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of text entry fields (e.g. the addressbar) # ColorInput="rgb:FF/FF/FF" # Textcolor of text entry fields (e.g. the addressbar) # ColorInputText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of selected text in an entry field # ColorInputSelection="rgb:80/80/80" # Selected text in an entry field # ColorInputSelectionText="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of non-LCD clock, leave empty to force transparency # ColorClock="rgb:00/00/00" # Background of non-LCD monitor # ColorClockText="rgb:00/FF/00" # Background of APM monitor, leave empty to force transparency # ColorApm="rgb:00/00/00" # Textcolor of APM monitor # ColorApmText="rgb:00/FF/00" # Color of APM monitor in battary mode # ColorApmBattary="rgb:FF/FF/00" # Color of APM monitor in line mode # ColorApmLine="rgb:00/FF/00" # Background color for graph mode # ColorApmGraphBg="rgb:00/00/00" # User load on the CPU monitor # ColorCPUStatusUser="rgb:00/FF/00" # System load on the CPU monitor # ColorCPUStatusSystem="rgb:FF/00/00" # Interrupts on the CPU monitor # ColorCPUStatusInterrupts="rgb:FF/FF/00" # IO Wait on the CPU monitor # ColorCPUStatusIoWait="rgb:60/00/60" # Soft Interrupts on the CPU monitor # ColorCPUStatusSoftIrq="rgb:00/FF/FF" # Nice load on the CPU monitor # ColorCPUStatusNice="rgb:00/00/FF" # Idle (non) load on the CPU monitor, leave empty to force transparency # ColorCPUStatusIdle="rgb:00/00/00" # Outgoing load on the network monitor # ColorNetSend="rgb:FF/FF/00" # Incoming load on the network monitor # ColorNetReceive="rgb:FF/00/FF" # Idle (non) load on the network monitor, leave empty to force transparency # ColorNetIdle="rgb:00/00/00" # List of gradient pixmaps in the current theme # Gradients="" # WorkspaceNames=" 1 ", " 2 ", " 3 ", " 4 " # # icewmbg preferences # # IMPORTANT: You MUST run icewmbg (probably before icewm) # to set the background! # # Display desktop background centered and not tiled # DesktopBackgroundCenter=0 # 0/1 # Support for semitransparent terminals like Eterm or gnome-terminal # SupportSemitransparency=1 # 0/1 # Desktop background scaled to full screen # DesktopBackgroundScaled=0 # 0/1 # Desktop background color DesktopBackgroundColor="rgb:50/50/78" # Desktop background image DesktopBackgroundImage="~/.icewm/themes/IceBlueCurve-next/1366x768.png" # Color to announce for semi-transparent windows # DesktopTransparencyColor="" # Image to announce for semi-transparent windows # DesktopTransparencyImage=""
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